
A Broken Heart Mended...2

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Title:  A Broken Heart Mended With A Touch of Fluff

Chapter Two: Meet the Inuyasha Gang!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. Only Haley.  And just as a reminder, this isn't a story about me and Sesshomaru.  It's only written in first person because that's how I am and it gives more effect to Haley's feelings.  It's a story about my friend Haley and that hunk of fluff we all know and love.  X3

“How did you get through the well?” Kagome asked again. I was in shock. I could not believe that a dude with really long silver-white hair with dog ears was standing in front of me. “Well?” Mr. Dog Ear Man asked. “Kagome asked you a question. Answer her before I have to beat it out of you!”

Kagome turned to Mr. Dog Ear Man and said, “Don’t talk to her like that! She’s my friend! You know, the one I’ve been talking about over the past two years?” Mr. Dog Ear Man just stared at her, expecting Kagome to explain.

Kagome rolled her eyes. “Haley?! Does that name ring a bell, Inuyasha?” He shook his head and looked at me again. “This is the ‘really cool’ American girl you kept blabbing about? She doesn’t look half as interesting as you made her seem.” Mr. Dog Ear Man, just mentioned as Inuyasha, said.

I turned to Kagome and asked, “Where are we?” She explained that we were in Feudal Japan. With that answered, I walked up to Inuyasha. I pointed my finger in his face and yelled, “Who do you think you are?! You have no right to be like that! That is just plain rude!!!” Inuyasha stepped back and put his hands up in defense. “Jeez, you’re kinda scary! Kagome, you didn’t tell me that this girl was loud!”

“She’s right though, Inuyasha,” Kagome said. “You are being quite rude.” Inuyasha turned around and crossed his arms, ignoring me and Kagome. “Keh, like I care,” he muttered.

“Inuyasha…” Kagome said in a sweet voice. Inuyasha turned to her and made a frightened face. “Oh no.” was all he said before Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs, “SIT BOY!!! SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!”

I looked down to see a crater in the shape of Inuyasha where he once stood. Inuyasha was face down in the ground and moaning. “Hm, serves you right you jerk! Come on Haley, I have some more friends for you to meet.” Kagome said. With that last comment, she took my hand and stuck her nose in the air.

I looked behind me as Kagome towed my clumsy body with her in the direction of some village voices. “Who was that, Kagome?” I asked, totally bewildered. She stopped suddenly and smiled at me. “You wanted to meet my boyfriend, right? That was him. His name’s Inuyasha and he’s not a bad guy when he’s not being a jerk.”

I looked behind me again to see a red blur traveling towards us. It passed us and walked into a hut about ten yards away. “That was your boyfriend? He’s totally mental!” I blared in to Kagome’s ear.

She stopped in front of the hut that Inuyasha had retreated in to previously. “I know you have had a bad meeting so far, but he is really not a bad guy. He can be really touching if you catch him at the right moments.”

I raised an eyebrow at Kagome. 'Yeah right,' I thought. 'But Kagome said she loves him, so I guess I better give him a chance.' “Okay,” I said. “I will give him another chance.” Kagome hugged me and told me that it meant a lot that I was going to try it with Inuyasha again.

We walked into the hut and in front of a fire, sat Inuyasha and the teenagers I had seen in the picture on Kagome’s wall. Beside the teenagers and Inuyasha, sat a young child with a ponytail and a fox tail and a small two-tailed cat. I looked at the child and smiled at his happy face. Some people could not tell the difference between a raccoon dog and a fox, but I could. My friend Jenna back home was a human encyclopedia and had mentioned to me a few times the differences between raccoon dogs and foxes. The information eventually just stayed in my brain and put itself with all of the rest of the Jenna files.

“Haley, this is Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara.” Kagome told me. The one she called Sango had chocolate brown hair and a soft, caring face. Her hair was pulled back at the end. Beside her stood the two-tailed cat, called Kirara, and a giant boomerang.

The one known as Miroku, had very dark brown hair that could have been mistaken for black if someone was not careful. He had a kind face but seemed that he could be tough when it came down to business. He held a staff in his lap.

Shippo, the cute fox-like child that I noticed I would soon love to death, ran up to Kagome and jumped in her arms. He was so adorable! “Guys, this is Haley. She’s the one I have been talking about lately.”

Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all greeted me. Kirara meowed a welcome. Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “She looks strange, Kagome. Why doesn’t she wear the outfit you wear?” Shippo asked. I looked at Kagome and she looked at me. We both burst out laughing.

“Yeah right! As if you could get me to even think about wearing Kagome’s outfit. Have you seen her skirt? It is just barely long enough to cover her underwear line!” I pronounced. Shippo jumped out of Kagome’s arms and onto the floor. He sat in the corner and sniffled. I realized Shippo was crying.

I stopped laughing. I sighed and felt guilty. I did not mean to make fun of Shippo’s question. It was just a little funny. Kagome’s “innocent school girl” outfit wasn’t really me with my “gunk” style. “Gunk” was what Jenna called me when I asked her what stereotype would fit me best. She said it stood for “goth and punk” put together.

I walked toward Shippo. I sat next to him and pulled a cherry sucker out of my pocket. I had gotten it to eat yesterday but I had forgotten about it. I handed it to Shippo. He looked up at me with tear filled eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of you. It’s just, Kagome’s outfit isn’t exactly my style,” I explained in Japanese. Clearly, Shippo knew a little English from Kagome’s studying, but he didn’t know enough to make out a lot of what I might say.

“It’s okay,” Shippo sniffed. “I understand. I hope we get to be friends though.” He took the sucker and jammed it in his mouth. I laughed. “Of course.”

Shippo gladly hugged me and propped himself on my shoulder. I stood carefully so that Shippo would not fall off. Kagome smiled and sat down next to Miroku and Sango.

“Kagome has told me that you are from Texas,” Miroku said in English. I gave a surprised look. Apparently Kagome had been getting a lot of help from her Feudal Japan friends, too. “Yes, I am from Texas. It is a lot different there than here though. Then again, probably every place in the modern era is different from here,” I said. Miroku laughed. “Yes, this is probably true.”

Sango looked at me and said, “It is good to finally meet you. Kagome is always talking about her American friend that is known as what someone called Jenna calls ‘gunk’.” I laughed. Kagome had told them about my joke. “Yes, you see, ‘gunk’ stands for ‘punk and goth’ which is basically what I am!” I explained.

We all laughed. I wasn’t sure if Miroku and Sango quite understood, but they laughed anyways. I flipped my hip length black hair and smiled. Inuyasha sat up straight and came close to me. He started sniffing me.

“What are you doing?” I asked. This was quite awkward and very uncomfortable. He backed off with a horrified face.

Everyone in the room looked at him worried. “What’s wrong, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked. “You look as if you have seen a ghost.”

“I almost have,” Inuyasha said. “I knew that I knew that scent, but I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t say anything. But now I am positive. You even look like her!”

I sighed. “Who is ‘her’?” I asked.

“Kikyo,” Inuyasha whispered. “You look a lot like Kikyo and you smell like her, too. You are even closer to Kikyo than Kagome is. And Kagome is her reincarnation!”

I looked at all the shocked faces around me. “Who is Kikyo?” I asked.

A man burst through the door of our hut and glared at everyone in the room before I could get my answer.
Chappie Two! I got some cool feedback, so here's the next chapter. Chapter Three will probably be posted soon too.

Inuyasha and all the rest of those guys belong to Rumiko Takahashi

Haley belongs to me... kukuku...
© 2007 - 2024 KaleidoscopeWerewolf
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rugrats03's avatar
i wanna read it i really do but i have to come back to it later cuz i wanna finish up here and have enuf time to get addicted to ramna 1/2 ....... ur fault btw